What is SASL?
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is a framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols. It decouples authentication mechanisms from application protocols, in theory allowing any authentication mechanism supported by SASL to be used in any application protocol that uses SASL.

What are the advantages of authentication?

Which IRC servers support SASL?

How to configure your SASL account?

If you have any questions or need help, please join #ircnet.

How to configure SASL on IRC client?

Configure SASL for ZNC

/query *status loadmod sasl

/msg *sasl mechanism PLAIN

/msg *sasl set <loginId> <password>

/query *status jump

Configure SASL for mIRC

Step-by-step instructions:

Configure SASL for Irssi

/network add -sasl_username <loginId> -sasl_password <password> -sasl_mechanism PLAIN ircnet

/server add -net ircnet 6667

Configure SASL for WeeChat

It is possible to connect via SASL in two ways.

PLAIN Mechanism:

/server add ircnet -notls

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_mechanism plain

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_username <loginId>

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_password <password>


/connect ircnet


In your Linux shell:

In WeeChat:

/server add ircnet

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_mechanism ecdsa-nist256p-challenge

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_username <loginId>

/set irc.server.ircnet.sasl_key "%h/ecdsa.pem"                          

/connect ircnet

This method is much safer, we recommend it!

Configure SASL for AdiIRC

SASL support is Built into the new Serverlist and into the /server command as of 1.9.9.

To enable SASL in the Serverlist:

Configure SASL for HexChat

Step-by-step instructions:

If everything was configured correctly, you should see a SASL authentication successful message when you connect.